Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Glenview Senior Science Grade 8

Exciting things are happening here at Glenview in the Science Department. Tomorrow we will have 40 students try their hand at an optional cow eyeball dissection. These students were selected out of a pool of over 85 names by a lottery as the interest in participating was greater than the number of spots we had. The dissection will be after school and each student will get an eyeball to work on by themselves.

The question has already come up as to why would we encourage students into vivisection (dissection of once living animals) however I strongly believe in the practice. Our samples come from Boreal where they take steps to ensure the animals are killed by humane methods. We will discuss this process at the beginning of the session and highlight that these organisms have given their lives to help us learn.

Beyond that it should be a really eye opening session (ha ha).

If you are interested in doing a virtual dissection there are several options out there. You could buy a subscription to Froguts (http://www.froguts.com/) where they have the eyeball dissection or try Netfrog (http://frog.edschool.virginia.edu/) for frog dissection kits.

Thanks for reading,

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