Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stock Car Challenges

Grade 8's to finish building stock car racers this week and start racing them next week. I was surfing looking for ideas and came across the F1 in Schools website. I wanted to make F1 race cars but the idea of using CO2 canisters on a straight track with a pointy end made me rethink the idea. I'd like to do it sometime but maybe with an older age group.

My students have been working to complete their designs of stock cars they are building from Basswood. We are doing this project as part of the Energy and Control unit of the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum. The topic for the curriculum is Optics but since that is being phased out this year and next I thought I should give my students their best chance at understanding grade 9 electricity unit, which is loosely related to Optics through energy. To start the project I gave them a battery, a light bulb and some wire and asked them to make the light light. I hoped they would have no problem figuring out how to make a circuit go but they did. Some had some incling, others no idea and still others just did not even try. These ones have just given up entirely and we are three weeks from the start of June. After that we have another three weeks. What is sad is that they prefer to spoil it for others and try to do as little work as possible. They just sit back and wait for the work to be done and then tell me how it was their idea etc. Do they think I am really that dumb?

Maybe I am ready for a break.

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