Friday, July 11, 2008

I cannot believe its over...

Well, actually I can believe it is over. However the 'it' is actually several things. I'll explain. The first 'it' is trip week, which happened June 9th - 13th. Myself and two other teachers took a group of students from our school to Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve and had a fantastic time. If you get a chance to go I strongly encourage you to do so. We played around on the high-ropes course , the canopy tour and the rock wall all at around 90 feet above the forest floor. We also howled at wolves, saw a tonne of wildlife and got to know each other a lot better. I had a fantastic time and the students enjoyed themselves very much.

The second 'it' was school. After trip week was over school folded rather quickly. I am not disappointed however after last year, I felt a minor let down with school being over. My class last year was awesome and we had some great times. My class this year was good although as they are a year younger my relationship with them is a little different. The connection I made with my Sharkwater group makes me remember them very much and I hope I get a chance to do something like that again with my new class (the same one I had this year) next year. Anyway, must not dwell on the past but focus on the present. And the present is summer has started. Yeah summer.

The third 'it' just finished today. Well technically yesterday but as I am still up (due to time changes) I consider it today. We just came back from two glorious weeks away in British Columbia. We flew out on the first day of summer (June 27th) and spent 3 days in Vancouver with my uncle. Then we drove to Tofino for 5 days, taking a 3-day sea kayaking trip while out there. After Tofino we came back to Vancouver and stayed with my cousins near East Vancouver. I'll have to remember to post pictures soon but to say the least we had an awesome time. The weather was pretty good, high 20's during the day, low 10's at night, and the best parts, no skeeters and no humidity. We had two days of rain (both in Tofino) and the rest was sun. What a great time we had.

Now, on to summer. I'll post more as stuff happens. Take care.

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