Monday, October 19, 2009

Levers, and The Inclined Plane

First Class Lever:

No at first you think... how does this work? Look again can you figure out where the fulcrum is? Look at the leg that is touching the ice...we'll call this leg (F) the other foot which isn't on the ice will be called (R) for random. (F) is supporting the rest of the load (her body, from the end of her back to foot (R))... but where's the effort? Well before she started (which I couldn't get a photo of) she actually flung her arms from in front of her to beside her creating a pull that would make her spin. If you have any questions about this lever just ask me.

This is a second class lever. Ask yourself... where is the fulcrum? the Fulcrum is usually supports the rest of the lever. Now pretend that you are transporting some wood to your grandma's house where would you put the wood? In the basket, but is the wood going to exert and force and magically move itself to your grandma's house? no. So you need you effort. Its easier to lift than drag in some cases like this example so get your hands ready to lift. This is a second class lever because the fulcrum is in the far left the load is in the middle and the effort (YOU!) is on the side opposite the fulcrum.

Here is Julie, eating her delicious apple. Julie doesn't know that her mouth is actually a lever. It's in fact a third class lever. A third class lever occurs when the load is on the opposite side of the fulcrum and the effort is in between the two. The joints in Julie's mouth connect the upper and lower jaw together. Her teeth which are moving towards each other are touching her beautiful apple which is the load. The load in this photo is to the left of Julie's teeth meaning that the fulcrum is to the right of her teeth.


This is simply a ramp but does it really make life easier? Well many people will agree that they would rather roll or slide an object than lift it. The resistance is gravity the force is YOU! and the object..well you can choose. How can you make it even easier to do this, while exerting less force? Make a longer ramp. Although you increase the distance you decrease the effort.... which for those people who don't like working well this is probably good for you.

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