Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hello everyone
In Math we have started a new unit on Algebra and Integers. We have just been working on Integers so far. But what are integers you may be wondering? Well, an integer is simply just any positive or negative number. It can be a fraction, decimal, or whole number. Some other key terms we have learned are opposite integers and a zero pair. Opposite integers means that they are the same distance from zero on a number line. For example, -3 and +3. Opposite integers are also zero pairs because when added together they equal zero.
We have learned so far how to add and subtract integers.
To add integers with the same sign, you just add the numbers together and keep the same sign.
ex: (+4) + (+6)
To add integers with a different sign, you subtract the smaller value number from the larger one and then take the sign from the larger value number.
ex: (+5) + (-13)
To subtract integers, you switch the second integer from negative to positive or vice versa and then add the two together. Then, you follow the same addition rules as I stated above.
ex: (+3) - (-7)
=(+3) + (+7)

(+8) - (+2)
=(+8) + (-2)
So, that is what we are doing in Math. Have a good week!
Until next Wednesday,

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