Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Short Post


This post may be short because I just got home a few minutes ago and I have to go out again soon, so I'm sorry in advance.
In Science we did the testing of our Hydraulic/Pneumatic Transport System Things yesterday. Overall, it went pretty well. No one in my class made anything that did the entire task, but there were many intelligent and interesting concepts. It was a bit chaotic, but we learned a lot. And now, we get to go back, take what we learned, and redo our systems to (hopefully) work better a second time. I think that by doing this, we learn a lot more than we would be just reading a textbook and taking some notes. We got to see exactly how to use Simple Machines and Hydraulic/Pneumatic Systems to move a load from point A to point B. We put the theories we learn from the textbook into use. If we didn't do that, they would just stay as words on a page to us, not an actual concept that works and moves in real life. In my past years, Science has just been textbooks, notes, and tests. Doing Science this way, getting actively involved, is much more engaging and challenging. I don't know how I could survive Science any other way now that we have done it like this.

And now I have to go so...
Until next Wednesday,

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