Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Advantage of Technology in a Class

In a our classroom we we don't just read and do questions from the textbook we push it to the max all out awesomeness with hands on work and cool technology like smart technology tools. It offers much more understanding and application of what we learn through note-taking. Hands-on work also offers for the user to become more friendly with tools (IE: dustless cutters back-saw and much more)

For example the Smart technology tool like the Smart board, document camera and senteo (clickers) All of these tools help us in math and also science with implementing our topics in new way to get a better under standing and let us expand on our thinking. The smart-board, mostly used for lessons of math and science and the occasional web surfing for examples in science. The smart document camera is used for taking digital pictures of paper with designs or plans, the most recent use of the camera was in 2008 for the golf ball transport machine when we showed our designs of the machine on the smart-board and took ideas from each one to come up with one big machine.Next senteo clickers often used for math quizzes of the multiple-choice variety. That is how the smart Technologies help us in our class room.

In addition hands on work is a very lucky for us to have because we where the only classes that made a Rube Goldberg while the other classes where doing questions out
of the text book. Hands on work also lets us get more comfortable with the tools we and also if we got into the trades section of work we will already know how to use a lot of tools. Next hands on work helps us apply the concepts we learned taking notes. that is how hands on work helps us in our class room by applying concepts and showing them in different ways to fully under stand.

In conclusion I think that hands on work and cool Smart technologies offer learning in a way that is more fun and easier to understand.
Eric out
see you next week.

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