Sunday, April 19, 2009

Aren't worms simply delightful?

Like the title? It does bring back some vaguely familiar memories during science class. Oh,'s coming to me now...wait for it...we talked about worms during our science class!!!!!! GAK!!!!!!! Even though this topic wasn't the most important part of science class, that knowledge will stick to me like gum on a shoe. So, I'll spare you five minutes of screaming and hyperventilating to discuss the parts of science class that are not as gory. Starting with the science quiz! Eek! That did not go over too well. Let's review, shall we? Class Fe7B was asked to list the environmental form and describe how energy is passed throughout it. Here's the form.Sun - Producers - Herbivore - Carnivore - Carnivore- Scavengers - Decomposers(Herbivores, Carnivores, and Carnivores are all consumers)
1. Sun-The sun produces sunbeams that provide energy for plants
2. Producers- Plants take in carbon dioxide, water and energy from the sun--plants give off oxygen and food. This process is called Photosynthesis.
3. Herbivore- These "vegetarians" consume the sugars produced by the plants which give them energy.
4. Carnivore- These "meat eaters" consume the smaller animals providing them with energy as well.
5. Carnivore- These other "meat eaters" are largest of the animals and consume the smaller carnivores to provide themselves with energy as well.
6. Scavengers- These animals find animals when they are abiotic and feed themselves on whatever is left. ( I know, I know, it does sound a bit gross)
7. Decomposer- The remaining parts (ew) decompose into the ground to produce rich soil for new plants to grow.
**Sorry if the diagram is kinda scary.

***I do not know what each animal is

**** The black box like creature is not a cow. It is a black box like creature.

Okay. As for math, we are doing geometry. Right now, we have learned how to draw 3-D boxes with 1 and 2 vantage points. Here are the instructions to drawing a 3-D box with only one vantage point. Next week, I'll give the instructions to drawing a 3-D box with 2 vantage points.
1. Draw a 2-D square or rectangle above or below the vantage point. It can be any size.
2. Draw a line connecting each of the edges of the square to the vantage point. Only 3 edges will be connected. One of the edges can only be connected by running a line through the square. You do not want that.
***Your drawing should look like this:

3. Connect these lines by drawing another perfectly vertical line parallel to the left side of your square. You decide how near or close you want to place this line.
4. Draw a horizontal line parallel to the bottom side of your box to meet the vertical line.
***Your box should look like this.

5. Erase the extra lines. Your final box should look like this:

Thanks for reading! I'll blog soon!

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