Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Clickers, Pizza, and Pulleys...

FE8B made school history this week! We used "clickers" for the SmartBoard for the very first time. The clickers are really cool! Basically, you sign in with your student number and it knows who you are. Then, there will be a question on the SmartBoard that is either true or false or multiple choice. On your clicker you have to choose the letter you want to answer and then press enter. Right after you press enter the clicker says whether you got the answer right, and then what your percent over the whole quiz is so far. Once everyone in the class has entered their answers, you can press a button "stop" on the SmartBoard and a pie chart pops up showing the percent of students who answered each choice on the question, so everyone in the class can see how the class in general did. Then, later the teacher can go back and see specifically who answered what, and mark you. We are having a science quiz about Simple Machines using these clickers on Monday, so I am very excited to see how this will work. I personally think it will be great because we can know our mark right away after each question, so Mr. Foster doesn't need to grade our work. I will tell you about it next week.
In Math we have started a new unit about circles. We have learned about radius, diameter, circumference, and how to find each for a circle. I was having one of my kind of random thoughts a while ago, and realized that when we order a pizza and say "I want a 10 inch pizza" we are stating the diameter of the pizza. Imagine if we stated the circumference of the pizza... "I would like a pizza that measures 31.4 inches around the outside." Haha... that sounds kind of weird.
In Science we have started constructing our Rube Goldberg machine. My group and I are incharge of making the pulley. We had a good start, but today when I was away during Science apparently our pulley didn't actually work... I wish I knew what was wrong so I could explain but I can't. I hope it works out in the end. I will update you.
Until next Wednesday,

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